Sunday, May 5, 2013

Speeding up the Process

The last couple of days have been busy ones.  A group of ladies come once a month to learn a new tip or technique, to share their quilt projects, to enjoy one another's company and to sew.  I love it and all the warmth and goodness that comes from getting together.

I had the pleasure of teaching a group of 9 and 10 year old girls to make a purse with a zipper in it.  Wow! What an afternoon.  That was certainly out of my comfort zone but I am glad to report they all went home with a purse and were very excited and happy.

Today, Steve and I hosted his students for dinner and a workshop on writing a resume.  It's a joy to see capable young people excited about heading into the real world work force.

Here is what I shared with my quilt club ladies this month.
Making a quicker and more accurate square in a square block.
1. Cut 4 squares half the size of the finished block plus 1/2" for seam allowance.  Draw a diagonal line on each of the small squares.  Place one square on the corner of the large square and sew along the drawn line.  Fold over the triangle and press.  Trim away the excess fabric underneath and repeat on the opposite corner and then repeat on the other two corners.

Example: If your center square is to finish at 4" cut the square 4 1/2" to include the seam allowances.  The 4 smaller squares will be cut half the finished size or 2 inches plus the 1/2" seam allowance or 2 1/2".  Check it out and see what you think and let me know.

Whatever your days are filled with may they also include love and laughter,


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