Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Magic

I hope and pray that each of you had a glorious Christmas time.  I also wish for each of you a blessed and prosperous New Year!

I overheard a little girl ask her mother why people say that Christmas is a magic time of year.  I did not get the privilege of hearing the answer and have pondered it for a few days now.  Every year I watch all the old movies and the myriad of sappy Hallmark movies during Christmas time.  I cannot help myself and have been doing that for years.  While pondering the little girl's question and watching one more movie I came to the conclusion that at least the movie industries meaning of "Christmas Magic" is the idea of renewing broken relationships, forgiveness, the goodness of humanity,  and remembrance of better times of the past and hope for a better future.  These are all good things to want and desire.

Is it possible to want and desire better relationships, forgive others and hope for a better tomorrow every day of the year?  I believe it is and becomes a matter of changing your perspective, strengthening your value system and understanding the true definition of love.  For me love is God coming to us in the form of the God/Man, Jesus Christ and taking up permanent residence in our hearts.  It really does change the way we see the world.  I plan on putting into place some very tangible ways of reminding myself of this every day so that 2015 becomes a full year of magical times.

Make the most of the last day of 2014!


Retreat information coming very soon.

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