Saturday, October 12, 2013

Enjoying the Bounty

The last of the tomatoes and cantaloupe have been picked.  We have sure enjoyed both recently.  I still say there isn't much better than picking a warm tomato right off the vine and eating it.  The cantaloup weren't very big (I did plant them in a kiddy pool) but they sure were tasty.

Quilting the last week continues to be mostly prep work for classes which is a good thing but I'm ready for a little break to get busy on some projects that have been patiently waiting.  A new pattern is taking form in my head, and as one of my daughter's kindergarten students said, it needs to come out.
It will be hard to work inside tomorrow I'm sure.  The weather has been glorious and the fall colors are really coming into their own.  A neighbor has a pair of sugar maples that are breathtaking as they change from eye popping yellow to orange.

What have you been busy with lately?  Whatever it is I wish you joy in the process and satisfaction in the completion.


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