Today was very busy getting ready for upcoming classes. I needed to make samples for kid's camp and a new sample for the beginning quilting class, as well as demo step-outs for the quilt club and for another class. Most of it was accomplished.
I am usually in my studio sewing when my husband comes home and he comes down to the basement to say hello and we always talk about what I've been working on and I ask him for feedback on what I've done. Today our conversation also turned to what prompted the fabrics I chose and what makes me decide what to work on. It got me to thinking about this passion for quilting. Every quilt that is made by skilled and caring hands has a story to tell and so does the person making it. They say love turns a house into a home and I think that love also turns fabric scraps into a quilt. We make quilts for family members, charity, soldiers, friends and a variety of reasons. A lot of thought, time and planning goes into each one and we cherish the finished project and so does the recipient. I do love fabric and I find joy in making a quilt but the passion for quilting is because of the people I teach, I sew with and spend time with. Love and friendship draws me to this thing called quilting. I miss my old quilting friends terribly but am learning to love and appreciate the new ones entering my life.

May your love of quilting flourish and blossom,
May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us;
establish the work of our hands for us-
yes, establish the work of our hands.
Psalm 90:17